Dubai Security Guard Job Vacancy

 Dubai Security Guard Responsibility:

1. Monitoring and surveillance: You are in charge of keeping a close check on the area you have been tasked with guarding. This includes keeping an eye on surveillance cameras, going on routine patrols, and keeping an eye out for any strange behavior or people.

2. Access Control: Managing access to the property is a crucial responsibility. You will be in charge of inspecting identification documents, confirming the identities of visitors, and making sure that only invited guests are permitted admission.

3. Crowd Control: In crowded places or at events, you might need to control the flow of people, keep things under control, and react to any emergencies or potential security risks that might occur.
4. Emergency Response: You must be prepared to deal with crises like fires, medical emergencies, or other security breaches. You might need to start emergency procedures, help those who are in need, and work with the emergency services.
5. Reporting and Documentation: As a security guard, it is your responsibility to keep thorough records of all incidents, observations, and strange events that take place while you are on duty. This entails compiling incident reports, gathering CCTV footage, and, if necessary, giving supervisors or law enforcement prompt and thorough information.
6. Customer service: Depending on the environment, you can be in charge of assisting customers, responding to questions, and directing guests. Maintaining security protocols while being kind, professional, and helpful is crucial.

7. Enforcing Rules and Regulations: Depending on the company or organization you work for, you may be expected to enforce particular rules and regulations. This can entail enforcing parking laws, making sure access rules are followed, or dealing with any disruptive activity.
8. Working closely with local law enforcement: If necessary, you may need to cooperate with them in order to provide them with pertinent information, aid them with investigations, or make arrests on your behalf.
It is crucial to remember that precise duties may change based on the company you work for and the type of property you are tasked with defending.

How To Get A Security Guard Job In Dubai: To get hired as a security guard in Dubai, you must follow a series of guidelines and meet specific requirements. To help you, below is a general outline.

* Verify Your Eligibility: To work as a security guard in Dubai, make sure you meet the minimal criteria. The usual requirements for this are being at least 21 years old, possessing a high school diploma or its equivalent, and being in good physical shape.
* Acquire Required Skills: Enrol in a security guard training school or program. Even while some businesses might offer training, having prior credentials or experience can be helpful.

* Freshen up your resume: Create a professional CV that emphasizes any relevant experience you may have with security or customer service. Include your education, licenses, and any unique abilities that make you qualified for the position.
* Search for Job Openings: To locate security guard openings in Dubai, use online job boards, company websites, or employment agencies. Some of the well-known job search engines in the UAE are Bayt, Indeed, and GulfTalent.

 Use the preferred channel specified in the job description to submit your online applications for employment and your résumé. Ensure that each section of your application that pertains to a particular employer is well-written.
* Networking: Consult with your personal and professional contacts for potential career leads or referrals. It can be very useful to use your network to find opportunities that aren’t necessarily being advertised publicly.
* Obtain a Work Visa: In the event that your application is accepted and you are submitting from outside the United Arab Emirates, your employer will typically sponsor your work visa. medical assessments, submitting documents, and official
* Prepare for the interview if your application is chosen for further review. By researching the company and being familiar with its security procedures, be ready to discuss your credentials and experience.
* Present Yourself Professionally: If you’re called for an interview, dress formally to present yourself professionally.
* Attend Interviews: Be on time for the interviews and show that you are passionate about becoming a security guard by being committed to the position.
After you are hired by the Dubai Police, you must receive a security industry license. Your employer will guide you through this process.
* Comply with Regulations: Become informed of Dubai’s labor laws and regulations to ensure that you are working lawfully and to protect your rights as an employee.
Keep in mind that there can be intense competition for security guard positions; as a result, being prepared and persistent in your job search will boost your chances of success. 

         Drop your CV in the given email:

    Job Requirements :

    A high school qualification or equivalent.
    A qualification in security training.

 Note: Applicants must be in UAE.
Interested candidates can directly apply by sending their CVs to given Email:

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